Herreweghe and Helmchen in a sparkling performance of Mendelssohn

Philippe Herreweghe, Martin Helmchen
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
Thu 07.03.2024 and Sat 09.03.2024
Thu 07.03.24
Sat 09.03.24

For this extremely atmospheric programme, we will be joined by German star pianist Martin Helmchem. Despite the relative simplicity of the piano part, Mendelssohn’s Piano Concerto No. 2 is a popular work with both concertgoers and musicians. Like Mendelssohn, Brahms is a romantic icon. Whereas the former, however, is synonymous with boundless energy, the latter is mostly remembered for this mature work. He apparently wrote his Symphony No. 2 during a holiday in the south of Austria, drawing on the stunning landscapes for inspiration. The title ‘Pastorale’ is aptly chosen: the work opens on a cheerful note, sweeping you off to the country.

In short, an evening featuring the best of German Romantic music, under the baton of consummate expert Philippe Herreweghe.

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Schumann Scenes from Goethe's Faust: Overture

Mendelssohn Concerto for piano No. 2 in d, opus 40

Brahms Symphony No. 2 in D major, opus 73