On tour across Slovenia, Austria and Germany

Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
Mon 11.11.2024 - Sun 17.11.2024
Mon 11.11.24
Sun 17.11.24

The Antwerp Symphony Orchestra will tour Germany, Austria and Slovenia in autumn 2024 and will be in excellent company. The orchestra will perform various programmes led by conductor Shiyeon Sung, and together with star soloists Bomsori Kim, Mariam Batsashvili and Nikolai Tokarev. As Cultural Ambassador of Flanders, the orchestra performs in renowned venues such as the Großes Festspielhaus in Salzburg, the Herkulessaal in Munich and the Festspielhaus in Bregenz. On this trip, the musicians are accompanied by Friends of the Orchestra, patrons and life the Entrepreneurs' Circle, among others.

Met de steun van de Belgische Tax Shelter en BNP Paribas Fortis Film Finance

Vriendenreis (volzet)

De Vrienden van het Antwerp Symphony Orchestra vergezellen het orkest op 16 en 17 november in München. Deze uitstap is helaas volzet. Wil je op de wachtlijst komen? Schrijf je dan in via dit formulier.